Category: Strategic Marketing

Marketing Trends We Expect to See Take Off in 2024

It’s that time of year! As we move into the new year, brands and businesses across the globe assess, analyze and revise their marketing strategies. To help you get a better grasp of what’s likely to come, we’ve gathered a list of growing marketing trends we expect to see take off in 2024. 

Marketing Trends We Expect to See Take Off in 2024 | Giant Voices Blog

AI-Driven Content and Conversations 

Picture this: personalized content that’s practically a mind-reader and tailored just for you. Thanks to increasingly sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI), marketing messaging, chatbots and online conversations will move forward with ease, making it seem as though each virtual interaction is designed perfectly for clients and customers. 

While not all businesses will make the jump to fully AI-driven content creation, many will likely start or continue using AI to predict and stay ahead of trends, making content creation more adaptable, fluid and timely. 

That’s not to say humanization isn’t required when harnessing AI-driven content. It can often come across as robotic and inauthentic, which is why incorporating human touch is crucial. 

Customize AI-written content to make it unique, decipher whether an AI-predicted trend is worth your time and investment and analyze AI-fostered online conversations to ensure they come across as genuine. 

Authenticity is Key

As many consumers are no longer swayed by perfection and beautifully curated content, authenticity is likely to be a key driver of growth, engagement and sales moving into 2024. In the era of transparency, consumers aren’t just buying products—they’re investing in brands that they trust and genuinely connect with. 

How can your business embrace authenticity? Expose the human side of your brand, build a strong foundation of credibility and foster enduring relationships with your customers and clients with marketing materials, content and service that represents your company and people accurately. 

Eye-Catching Animated Marketing 

Introducing animation into your marketing strategy offers a unique blend of creativity, innovation and visual appeal that captures the attention of today’s fast-paced and visually-oriented audience. Plus, it’s really fun to make and watch!

Compared to video marketing, which is still an effective tactic, animated marketing is not only more accessible and implementable for everyday brands, it’s also short, sweet and to the point—ideal for younger audiences with shorter attention spans. 

For inspiration, check out this simple, animated graphic Giant Voices posted for New Year’s Day.

Human-Centric Approach

Hyper-personalization will be a key part of marketing in 2024. No longer are we viewing our audience as “customers” or “clients.” Instead, marketers are seeing them for what they truly are: humans that need help solving a problem. 

Coinciding with AI-driven content and conversations, expect to approach each and every client and customer interaction with care, authenticity and a unique solution to their challenges. You can do this by leveraging creativity, humor and emotion within your marketing campaigns—in a way that aligns with your brand, voice and—more importantly—your audience. 

Ethical and Sustainable Marketing

Ever heard of ESG marketing? Also known as environment, social and governance marketing, this strategy highlights how well a brand is meeting its ESG goals, using specific benchmarks, KPIs and reporting metrics. 

With a strong ESG strategy, you can bring attention to your energy and water management practices, greenhouse gas emissions, charitable contributions, workplace diversity, company culture and responsible supply chain management practices. 

Rather than simply talking about ESG in company meetings, bring it to light and showcase your efforts in an impactful ESG marketing strategy, as sustainability will be an important consideration for younger generations during the purchasing process. 

Ethical and sustainable marketing also applies to your recruitment and retention strategies. Ensure that your hiring process is fair, consistent and purposeful, and implement meaningful retention tactics that make your employees feel valued, respected and unified. This will help you build a strong, impactful team that moves you forward year after year. 

Short-Form Video Content 

With the rise of TikTok and Instagram Reels—and, as such, much shorter attention spans—short-form video content is becoming more and more relevant in today’s dynamic online world. 

We expect to see brands roll out easy-to-make, short-form video content on a regular basis in 2024. Everything from quick tutorials and tips and tricks to influencer collaborations and utilizing user-generated content (UGC) with the help of content creators. 

Harnessing the Power of Analytics 

Relating to our earlier mentions of AI-driven content and human-centric marketing, we expect brands to better harness the power of analytics to get exceptional results. 

Deeply understanding your target audience, how they operate, the type of content they enjoy consuming, their purchase behavior and other vital components is crucial for building out a strong human-centric strategy (which, as we mentioned above, will likely be a 2024 marketing trend). 

At Giant Voices, we utilize data to improve everything from social media engagement and email opens to click-through rates, brand experiences and website interactions. Our team truly believes that data is one of the best tools businesses can harness to create growth-driven results. 

Utilizing Influencers and Creators  

In the last few years, influencers and content creators have upheaved and transformed the social media landscape. With more influence and leverage than ever before, online figures have the power to make or break your brand. 

When used correctly and intentionally, influencer marketing can grow your brand’s reputation, following, sales and revenue rapidly. On the flip side, if your product or services aren’t up to par, just one influencer’s strong review can seriously hurt your business. 

Capitalize on Better Marketing in 2024 

By modifying your 2024 marketing plan to integrate one or many of these predicted trends, you can capitalize on better marketing strategies that deliver long-term results. Questions? Reach out to the Giant Voices team. We’re here to help. 

How Adding a Fractional CMO or Marketing Leader Can Transform Your Business

What if you could bring on an expert to help fill in critical leadership and skills gaps but at a fraction of the cost of hiring FTEs? This is exactly what a fractional CMO or marketing leader does, and here’s how adding one to your team can transform your business. 

Marketing has always been a fast-paced industry, and the momentum continues to build faster than marketing teams can hire the support they need.

It takes time to interview, hire and train new FTEs who may or may not have the skills required to develop and execute effective marketing strategies. It may take several FTEs to fill the necessary gaps, and that overhead adds up quickly.

Yes, you can fine-tune your recruitment strategies to attract qualified candidates, and it’s essential to focus on retaining the talent you already have on board, but neither of these will guarantee your marketing team has the full breadth of expertise needed to deliver qualified leads to your sales team. 

Staying at the forefront of changes in the marketing field is often more than one marketing professional or small internal marketing team can handle—nobody should be doing this alone. 

Just because marketing takes a specialized team, however, doesn’t mean all of those experts need to be on your payroll.

Hiring a fractional CMO, fractional marketing director or fractional marketing sales and alignment expert can provide your business with the power of a full-service marketing department—for a fraction of the cost.

Giant Fractional Marketing Services

Giant Voices offers fractional marketing support to augment your existing internal marketing person or team. This type of investment gives your company the power to leverage the expertise of a full-service marketing agency for a fraction of the cost of hiring FTEs, and it amplifies your existing teams’ capabilities.

Instead of hiring for specific skills, you’ll gain access to an entire strategic marketing team with experts in marketing strategy, digital marketing, web development, SEO, content creation, social media, graphic design, and more. 

We become an integrated part of your organization, delivering what is specifically needed in terms of strategy or tactical assistance. If your team has gaps in certain areas, fractional marketing support could be the key that unlocks unlimited potential.

If you could use help in any of the areas listed below, a fractional service agreement may be worth exploring:

What level of fractional marketing support is right for you?

Marketing support services can augment your team at any level—from C-suite to (virtual) front desk. Check out the following options and consider your needs. 

Fractional Chief Marketing Officer

A fractional CMO sets the strategy for marketing and sales teams, manages your organization’s brand identity, and builds strong relationships with internal and external partners. It’s executive-level strategy and oversight, backed by a skilled team of marketing professionals. 

Fractional Marketing Director

From internal and external communications to marketing and advertising strategy development, a fractional marketing director will help move your business forward powerfully, ensuring all marketing projects are completed and optimized.

Marketing/Sales Administrative Support

Fractional marketing sales and administrative support adds capable hands to your team. They’ll keep you in touch with customers through list management, mailings, email sends, customer inquiries, event management and more.

Case study: Giant fractional CMO services fill critical leadership and skills gaps

Involta is an award-winning hybrid IT and cloud-forward consulting firm orchestrating digital transformation for the nation’s leading enterprises. Involta’s ongoing mission has been rooted in partnership for nearly 20 years.

The Giant Voices team has been Involta’s strategic marketing partner for over a decade, helping grow the company’s footprint from one market to six and providing marketing insight every step of the way.

As Involta grew, the company needed a higher level of strategic marketing insight and leadership. Giant Voices fills the role of Chief Marketing Officer to help Involta fill a critical leadership gap. 

The Giants backup Involta’s internal marketing team, provide support to build Involta’s brand, strengthen lead generation and digital advertising efforts, oversee the company’s website and manage public relations.

This tremendous amount of work wouldn’t be possible without combining the Involta and Giant Voices teams. It’s a collaborative effort every step of the way, and the results have been mutually beneficial. Deep integration leads to deep knowledge and a high level of trust. We’re one team. 

“With Lisa Bodine leading Involta’s marketing efforts, we’ve expanded our data center footprint, honed our IT security offering, elevated the Involta brand and positioned the company for acquisition by Carlyle. She and her team have been invaluable.”

—Jim Buie, Involta CEO

Ready to engage a Giant fractional marketing expert?

Reach out to our team at any time to discuss how we can augment your team.

4 Marketing Trends We’re Watching in 2021

If the events of 2020 taught marketers one thing, it’s that we have to be prepared for anything. Companies ready to pivot at a moment’s notice bounced back from the pandemic faster than others.

Now that we’ve (finally) said “so long” to 2020, we’re excited to re-energize and share our top tips for getting ahead in the 2021 marketplace.

Here is what we expect to see trending in the marketing industry over the next 12 months.

Staff Augmentation

2020 came in like a wrecking ball, with the majority of companies feeling a financial strain. Many operations furloughed or reduced staff, decreased resources, and, in some cases, closed their doors for good.

So, it should come as no surprise that companies will be slower to hire new employees in 2021.

This creates an opportunity for agencies to offer help without adding to a client’s overhead costs. We anticipate a significant shift in staff augmentation, allowing agencies to fill marketing leadership and administrative roles for their clients.

  • Companies will likely hire contractors or part-time employees before adding FTEs to their organization
  • A few agencies (like Giant Voices) will offer staffing help, providing talented and trained marketing experts to fill marketing director, marketing assistant or CMO roles

During previous economic downturns, marketing agencies have been the thought-leaders and strategic partners helping clients get back on their feet. Agencies have played an integral role in providing communication, direction and support when organizations need it most.

At Giant Voices, we offer clients the support they need to sustain their operations and the strategy they need to thrive.

Full-Service Agency Support

The need for full-service agency support has shifted like a pendulum—especially in the past 10 years. Around 2010, companies preferred hiring multiple “niche” agencies to cover singular focus areas. One agency would provide social media support, another influence management, the next SEO support, etc. 

However, many soon discovered how difficult it had become to manage 7-10 relationships with segmented teams, not to mention the inability to create cohesive and comprehensive campaigns that resonated with customers and prospects.

Moving into 2019, most companies wanted to limit their agency partnerships, preferring a full-service firm model that provided a much-needed integrated strategy. We see the pendulum continuing to favor the full-service agency model in the new year.

  • Companies want to create cohesive messaging across their many communication channels
  • Connections matter more now than ever, and clients want to work with agencies that understand them. They want to build a relationship with a single firm that can dig in and strengthen an organization’s brand while helping them achieve revenue goals
  • Firms like Giant Voices will expand their specializations to provide clients with full-service agency support

Sales and Marketing Alignment

Moving into a new year while trying to curb the effects of an ongoing global pandemic means companies need more than marketing help—they need sales help as well.

In 2021, we see more and more clients asking for help with sales and marketing alignment strategies. Our team advises clients through sales funnel development, visually showing them how their advertising and lead generation tactics will take their prospects from impressions to sales conversions.

  • Sales are critical – companies and clients aren’t just looking for a marketing firm, they’re looking for a firm to help them sell
  • Messaging matters – companies are reaffirming their competitive advantages by synchronizing their messaging in sales and marketing
  • Increasing ROI has never been more important – companies are tapping into full-service marketing agencies for conversion strategies
  • Numbers tell a story – companies are reassessing their KPIs to measure success and ensure sales and marketing alignment

Customers are part of the entire journey, not just the sale, which is why sales and marketing alignment will take on a new meaning in 2021.

Our firm knows consumer behavior, and we understand the importance of  pivoting quickly when the landscape changes. We specialize in creating customized strategic plans that work best for each client’s unique situation.

Ongoing Growth of Personalized Connections

It’s been in almost every headline in 2020—we miss connecting with other people. While building relationships remains the key to successful client/customer and client/firm relationships, this sentiment holds true in 2021.

Companies will seek new, creative and innovative ways to reach their customers, and they will rely on their full-service agency to guide them to where they need to be.

We anticipate these tactics will perform strongly:

  • Video advertising: As thousands of Zoom calls in 2020 have taught us, nothing beats a face-to-face conversation. Whether it’s on social or in programmatic display, video ads will continue to be the preferred choice as each allows advertisers to communicate on a more personal level than a standard display ad.
  • Personalization using programmatic AI: The digital advertising landscape has transformed in the last two years, making it easier and more affordable for advertisers to send personalized ad content to targeted audiences. Providing the right content, in the right place, at the right time, is the best way to drive conversions.

2020 was a year of autonomy for target audiences across all industries—during that time, consumers’ needs changed drastically as they wanted to work, learn and gain feedback on their own time, in their own way.

Customers have had time to assess companies’ channels as well as the content they produce, so utilizing technology while emphasizing the importance of authentic storytelling will be critical to success as marketers embrace a new year.

Drive Growth in 2021 With These Marketing Trends

Four marketing trends will drive growth in 2021:

  1. Staff Augmentation
  2. Full-Service Agency Support
  3. Sales and Marketing Alignment
  4. Ongoing Growth of Personalized Connections

At Giant Voices, we practice what we preach. We are here to help you reach your ambitions as we embrace a new year.

Are you ready for 2021? We can help. Connect with us today for a discovery meeting.

4 Ways to Ensure Sales + Marketing Alignment

COVID-19 has left a gaping impact on business, not just in how we conduct sales and marketing, but the processes behind our sales and marketing efforts.

For the past several months, the old tactics—building relationships through coffee shop conversations or selling a client on data sheets in boardroom discussions—simply aren’t cutting it and likely aren’t going to be received the same way moving forward.

So, why are so many companies continuing to position their sales and marketing teams like it’s 2019?

4 Ways to Ensure Sales + Marketing Alignment | Giant Voices Blog

While our firm will be the first to admit that we miss the energy and growth that comes from in-person conversations with our clients and coworkers, we know and accept that today’s B2B landscape has shifted. We get it. It’s important to adapt in order to move forward—but that doesn’t always make it easy.

As a strategically-focused, ambition-based marketing firm, we work with clients to help identify their financial, operational and communication goals. Then we use that ambition as the foundation for all of our communication efforts.

We help maintain alignment across the board on messaging—from collateral to emailers to social media posts to sales rep communications. We work to ensure everything is cohesive when it reaches a prospect.

Knowing this background information, our simple advice might not surprise you when it comes to elevating your brand in today’s climate: synchronize your messaging in sales and marketing.

That means sitting down with both teams to reaffirm that communications are absolutely, 100%, without a doubt, aligned in terms of the messaging you’re sharing with your target audience.

After all, you can’t execute communication that will help you increase ROI, generate leads or put yourself in a position to market new products unless you can build from a strong foundation.

But how do you align your sales and marketing teams? These four steps will get you started.

4 Ways to Ensure Sales + Marketing Alignment

Establish a Team

If you’ve ever watched synchronized swimming, you’d know it’s obvious when someone is off. If a limb flies left when it’s supposed to go right, it doesn’t take much for a choreographed number to be thrown off course.

It’s the same with your marketing and sales communication and the quality of the experience you’re providing your prospects. If your marketing team produces content promising one thing and sales sings a different tune, you may miss out on the potential to develop profitable leads—which, to be frank, you can’t afford to lose.

We highly recommend that sales and marketing teams meet at least once a month to review what’s working, what’s not, what new products need nurtured messaging, what new communications need testing, to name a few.

These meetings will keep everyone on the same page and reaffirm that the teams work collectively to achieve the same outcome.

Put a Plan Together

An integrated marketing/sales strategy built on aligned messaging creates trust, credibility and consistent experiences.

So, where to begin to make sure your team is in sync? We suggest starting with sales enablement, the iterative process of providing your business’s sales team with the resources they need to close more deals.

It’s about producing cross-functional teams that can execute sales success through unified communications. Resources to elevate your sales and marketing alignment include:

  • Performance data sheets
  • Structured communication plans
  • Product information sheets
  • Marketing insights from digital and traditional media
  • Verbal coaching and sales communication

This is the simple starter kit to ensure your team is on the right track when communicating a consistent narrative and unified mission to your target audience.

Utilize a CRM

Our recommendation for maintaining organization when aligning sales and marketing messaging? Invest in an effective CRM—and use it.

A customer relationship management system (CRM) is a centralized location where you can track and manage the journey of your subscribers, prospects, leads and marketing qualified leads (MQLs) based on all of your communications.

Using a CRM will help improve communication with your target audience while also allowing your marketing and sales team to centralize their messaging based on the findings of interactions with each unique prospect.

Not only does this create unified messaging across the board, but it also allows your sales team to focus their time and energy on leads with the most potential.

It also offers tried and true insights for your marketing team to develop content that will produce effective results.

What’s more, an effective CRM will allow you to categorize your contacts as they work through the buying stages. That means your messaging—as unified as it is in overall intent—can be effectively tweaked to meet audiences where they are at on their journey.

The truth is, with buyer behavior today, your prospects are more likely to convert to customers if they’re part of the entire journey, not just the sale.

So, a key part of converting a prospect into a lead is ensuring that marketing materials and language are adjusted accordingly—whether a prospect has visited your landing page for the first time or they are ready to close on purchasing your product.

We firmly believe that having and actually using a CRM will help you organize contact data while allowing you to see how people are finding you in today’s changing market.

Put the Data to Work

Lastly, after you have found the CRM that best fits your interests, use the information it provides to ensure your KPIs (key performance indicators) match up with your ultimate plan to reach people. We recommend monitoring some or all of the following KPIs to measure success.

  • CPL (cost per lead)
  • CPC (cost per click)
  • Average total contract value
  • Monthly sales growth
  • Revenue per client
  • Profit margin
  • Client retention rate

Just to name a few. Digging into the data will provide concrete facts on where people enter the conversion funnel and answer the question: what does my buyer’s journey look like?

Modify and Pivot to Foster Success

There are four steps you can take to produce a well-oiled sales and marketing machine:

1. Establish a team
2. Put a plan together
3. Ensure you have a CRM
4. Put some measurements in place

As always, leave yourself room to modify and pivot—if 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that our environments are constantly changing, and the needs of our buyers will inevitably change too.

Interested in learning more about sales and marketing alignment? Contact us today for a discovery meeting.

Kick Up Your Marketing with a Fractional CMO, Marketing Director or Sales Administrative Support

We don’t need to tell you that COVID-19 caused immediate and likely irreversible shifts in the business landscape. When we come through this—and we WILL come through this—business won’t look quite the same.

While we don’t know what the future holds, we do know that strategic marketing is more important now than it has ever been in the past.

We also know that many business leaders have had to make significant staffing changes in response to COVID-19’s ever-evolving impact on consumer behavior in different industries.

Now is not the time for radio silence. Your customers and prospects need to hear that your company has been able to pivot, that your work endures and that you and your team are here for the long haul.

Giant Voices offers many levels of support to help in all of your strategic communication efforts, and can act as a fractional CMO, marketing director or marketing admin.

Whether you’re looking for administrative assistance on a specific project or more robust oversight for your marketing strategy, the Giants are ready to dive in.

Fractional CMO

It is possible to add an executive to your team without conducting a prolonged search for the perfect candidate—who often comes with a high price tag.

As your Chief Marketing Officer, we’ll handle just about everything from setting sales goals, overseeing company branding, creating key messages, developing collateral, managing digital marketing assets, event coordination and more.

The best part? Our CMOs come backed by the entire Giant Voices team, so you’ll get 20+ strategic marketers to support your company’s growth.

A long-time Giant Client was faced with a sudden and unavoidable crisis, and they needed to formulate and deploy a strategic communications action plan quickly.

Leadership looked to Giant Voices’ public relations expertise for both immediate tactics and a forward-thinking strategy that helped the company build momentum to launch new offers. In the midst of this work, Giant Voices helped the client navigate the changing business landscape in response to COVID-19.

Fractional Marketing Director

From internal and external communications to marketing and advertising strategy, a Giant Voices account executive serving as your marketing director can help move your business forward powerfully. We can step in to fill a temporary vacancy, address a specific situation or crisis, or provide long-term marketing oversight and strategy for your team.

Overseeing the marketing of a parent organization of three independently operating programs is more than a full time job, especially when a CMO doesn’t have access to an in-house marketing team. Giant Voices dove in as a fractional marketing director to keep projects and initiatives running smoothly.

An expert Giant Voices account executive coordinates with contractors, works directly with each program team, engages the Giant creative teams for content creation and graphic design, and ensures each project meets both our and our client’s high standards.

Sales/Marketing Administrative Support

Successful marketing strategies require drilling into the details. Managing lists, coordinating mailings or email sends, staying on top of customer inquiries or managing social media accounts across several platforms is time consuming but incredibly important work.

When our clients need extra hands to get the work done, the Giants roll up our sleeves to keep you in touch with your customers.

When Giant Voices onboarded a new client with a large but unkept database of contacts, we tapped our account assistant’s expertise to validate and clean the large volume of data.

She embraced the high-touch project with a positive attitude and a strong drive for perfection, so our client could focus on strategic marketing initiatives. Today, this client enjoys a clean and accurate list of valuable, engaged contacts.

How Can We Help?

As our clients make strategic decisions to position their business for continued success during and after the global pandemic, Giant Voices is here to help.

Our job is to augment your team wherever you need support the most so we can strengthen your business now and into the future. Get in touch with us to discuss your strategic marketing needs and explore your options.